May 13, 2018
Do you have plans in place to on board your new sales team? Listen in as Rick and Nancy discuss stories of good on boarding experiences and bad ones. In the first 40 hours a new member of your team is figuring out if they made a good decision to join your company and those 40 hours will show them the culture you have, and the culture you expect. What is the culture you're conveying? Rick shares how as a corporate sales trainer he scripted out every minute of every day that first week for his new folks. One of the keys they both share is the impact an assigned mentor can have, and it can be as simple as a veteran sales person that they can go to, to get questions answered. As the entrepreneur and head of your organization, make sure you are taking the time to spend with your new team members, casting a vision and setting your expectations. If you invest time in them, they will reward you and your company abundantly.